150 Calming Affirmations for Anger to Calm You Down

150 anger management affirmations

We’re going to talk about affirmations for anger. Yep, those cool little phrases that can help us deal with and change our angry feelings into something more positive. Trust me, I totally get it because I’ve been there too.

It can be tough to handle anger sometimes, but don’t worry, I’ve got your back. In this blog post, I’ll share some really helpful affirmations for anger that you can use to find calm and peace within yourself.

a pin that says in a large font affirmations for anger

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25 calming affirmations for anger management

  1. I find inner peace.
  2. I find harmony within.
  3. I am calm and collected.
  4. I stay calm and composed.
  5. I choose love over anger.
  6. I choose peace over anger.
  7. I respond calmly to anger.
  8. I manage anger gracefully.
  9. I seek peaceful resolutions.
  10. I create peace within myself.
  11. I control my anger with grace.
  12. I am in charge of my emotions.
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  1. I choose empathy and kindness.
  2. I remain grounded amidst anger.
  3. I replace anger with compassion.
  4. I find solace amidst frustration.
  5. I release anger and welcome peace.
  6. I breathe deeply, releasing anger.
  7. I let go of anger and invite peace.
  8. I release tension and embrace peace.
  9. I release anger and embrace healing.
  10. I release anger and invite calmness.
  11. I let go of anger and invite calmness.
  12. I respond with understanding and patience.
  13. I choose forgiveness, letting go of resentment.

25 affirmations for resentment

  1. I let go.
  2. I am empowered.
  3. I release the past.
  4. I am worthy of peace.
  5. I am deserving of stability.
  6. I let go and find inner peace.
  7. I let go and embrace gratitude.
  8. I replace resentment with empathy.
  9. I release resentment and invite joy.
  10. I choose understanding and compassion.
  11. I release resentment and open my heart.
  12. I respond with peace and understanding.
  13. I release resentment and invite healing.
  14. I respond with compassion and self-care.
  15. I choose to heal and let go of resentment.
  16. I let go and invite positivity into my life.
  17. I release resentment and embrace forgiveness.
  18. I focus on the present, free from resentment.
  19. I release resentment and embrace self-growth.
  20. I replace resentment with calmness and clarity.
  21. I release resentment and welcome love and acceptance.
  22. I manage my emotions, even in the face of resentment.
  23. I release resentment and invite harmonious relationships.
  24. I release the past and choose a future without resentment.
  25. I release resentment and choose a life filled with love and peace.
positive affirmation cards

25 affirmations for controlling emotions

  1. I respond mindfully.
  2. I observe without judgment.
  3. I find balance in my emotions.
  4. I am in control of my emotions.
  5. I choose calmness in any situation.
  6. I respond thoughtfully and clearly.
  7. I am in charge of my emotional state.
  8. I express my emotions constructively.
  9. I release tension and invite serenity.
  10. I am the master of my emotional state.
  11. I respond with patience and compassion.
  12. I am open to learning from my emotions.
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  1. I create space for emotional well-being.
  2. I find strength amidst intense emotions.
  3. I choose peace over emotional reactivity.
  4. I respond with kindness and understanding.
  5. I respond with understanding and patience.
  6. I release negativity and embrace positivity.
  7. I cultivate emotional balance and well-being.
  8. I release attachments that no longer serve me.
  9. I am capable of managing my emotions with grace.
  10. I validate my emotions without being overwhelmed.
  11. I am resilient and manage my emotions effectively.
  12. I release triggers and embrace emotional stability.
  13. I choose emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

25 affirmations for irritability

  1. I release tension.
  2. I manage my emotions.
  3. I control my reactions.
  4. I respond with kindness.
  5. I am deserving of peace.
  6. I focus on the bigger picture.
  7. I am consciously choosing peace.
  8. I choose peace and understanding.
  9. I respond with grace and calmness.
  10. I choose patience and understanding.
  11. I manage irritability with serenity.
  12. I replace irritability with calmness.
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  1. I release irritability and invite ease.
  2. I find calmness and reduce irritability.
  3. I let go and choose emotional well-being.
  4. I cultivate peace and reduce irritability.
  5. I respond with understanding and compassion.
  6. I respond with self-compassion and self-care.
  7. I release irritability and embrace positivity.
  8. I release irritability and welcome inner peace.
  9. I am capable of managing irritability with ease.
  10. I replace irritability with patience and empathy.
  11. I release irritability and invite positive energy.
  12. I replace irritability with gratitude and contentment.
  13. I release irritability and invite harmonious relationships.

25 affirmations for letting go of anger

  1. I manage anger gracefully.
  2. I let go and invite calmness.
  3. I let go and invite calmness.
  4. I deserve to release my anger.
  5. I choose empathy and kindness.
  6. I let go and focus on happiness.
  7. I create space for peace within.
  8. I replace anger with compassion.
  9. I release anger and invite peace.
  10. I let go and embrace forgiveness.
  11. I invite peace and release anger.
  12. I release anger and invite peace.
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  1. I release anger and invite healing.
  2. I choose to let go and embrace joy.
  3. I release anger and invite positivity.
  4. I am deserving of letting go of anger.
  5. I choose peace and release anger’s grip.
  6. I manage anger by responding with peace.
  7. I respond with empathy and understanding.
  8. I respond with understanding and kindness.
  9. I create inner peace by letting go of anger.
  10. I respond with self-compassion and self-care.
  11. I release anger and invite healing and growth.
  12. I release anger and choose love and compassion.
  13. I am capable of letting go of anger for inner peace.

25 affirmations to release negative energy

  1. I empower myself.
  2. I create space for joy.
  3. I invite love and light.
  4. I choose to shine brightly.
  5. I choose to invite lightness.
  6. I embrace gratitude and love.
  7. I invite harmony and balance.
  8. I deserve to find inner peace.
  9. I invite peace and well-being.
  10. I choose a life of positivity.
  11. I choose to focus on happiness.
  12. I open myself to new possibilities.
  13. I open myself to love and abundance.
  14. I let go and invite serenity and peace.
  15. I let go and embrace a positive mindset.
  16. I release negativity and invite healing.
  17. I let go and invite harmony and balance.
  18. I release negativity and invite positivity.
  19. I release negativity for positivity and abundance.
  20. I am capable of releasing negativity for positivity.
  21. I am in control of my energy and radiate positivity.
  22. I release negativity and invite clarity and calmness.
  23. I am deserving of releasing negativity for positivity.
  24. I choose to release negativity and focus on the present moment.
  25. I am capable of releasing negativity to reach my highest potential.
a pin that says in a large font anger affirmations

FAQ: Why are affirmations important for managing my anger?

When we get angry, it can be tough to handle, right? It’s like a big storm inside us, and it can make us say or do things we might regret. But here’s the cool part: affirmations can really help us deal with anger in a positive way.

Affirmations are like positive phrases we tell ourselves to shift our focus from anger to a calmer state of mind. They remind us that we’re strong, capable, and able to handle our emotions well.

By using affirmations, we train our minds to think differently. Instead of letting anger take over, we use these positive statements to stay more positive. It’s like having a friend whisper encouraging words to help us stay calm.

So, when you feel anger rising, take a deep breath and say an affirmation to yourself.

It could be something simple like “I stay calm and in control” or “I let go of anger and choose peace.” These affirmations remind us to manage our anger in a healthy way.

Affirmations also bring inner peace and self-compassion. They remind us that feeling angry is normal, but we have the power to choose how we react. They empower us to pause, reflect, and respond with kindness.

FAQ: How do I use these anger affirmations?

Notice your anger

The first step is to become aware when anger starts to bubble up inside you. Pay attention to the physical sensations, like a racing heart or clenched fists, and the emotions that arise.

Take a deep breath

When you feel anger rising, pause for a moment and take a deep breath. Breathing deeply helps to calm your body and mind, creating a space for clarity.

Choose an affirmation

Select an affirmation from the list that resonates with you in that moment. It could be something like “I choose peace over anger” or “I remain calm and in control.”

Repeat the affirmation

Say the chosen affirmation to yourself, either silently or out loud. Repeat it a few times, allowing the words to sink in and bring a sense of calmness.

Visualize the affirmation

As you repeat the affirmation, imagine yourself embodying its message. Picture yourself feeling calm, in control, and at peace, releasing the anger that no longer serves you.

Release and let go

Let go of the anger and any negative emotions associated with it. Allow the affirmation to guide you toward a more positive and peaceful state of mind.

Practice regularly

Consistency is key! Make it a habit to use these affirmations for anger whenever you feel anger surfacing. The more you practice, the more they become a natural part of your coping mechanisms.

FAQ: How can I get rid of my anger?

Take a pause

When you feel anger rising, the first step is to pause and take a moment for yourself. It’s like pressing the “pause” button in a heated moment.

Breathe deeply

Deep breaths are magical! Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your belly with air, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. This simple act helps calm your body and mind.

Express yourself

Find a healthy way to express your anger. Talk to a trusted friend, write in a journal, or engage in activities like drawing or playing music. Letting it out can be really helpful.

Identify triggers

Take a look at what triggers your anger. Is it a certain situation, person, or circumstance? By understanding the triggers, you can work on finding ways to avoid or manage them better.

Practice empathy

Try putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. Understanding their perspective can help you find compassion and diffuse your anger.

Use positive self-talk

Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that you have the power to choose how you respond to situations and that you’re capable of finding a peaceful resolution.

Find healthy outlets

Engage in activities that bring you joy and help release tension. It could be going for a walk, listening to music, practicing mindfulness, or doing something creative.

Seek support

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor for support. Talking about your anger with someone who understands can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Practice forgiveness

Forgiveness is not about condoning what happened but about freeing yourself from the burden of anger. It’s a powerful act of self-care that allows you to move forward.

Prioritize self-care

Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Get enough rest, eat nourishing food, engage in activities that bring you joy, and practice self-compassion.

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