45 Journal Prompts for Overwhelm to Help You Calm Down

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A list of journal prompts for when you feel lost and overwhelmed

We’ll talk about journal prompts for overwhelm. We’ve all experienced those moments when life becomes overwhelming, leaving us feeling stressed, anxious, and uncertain.

Today, we’re exploring journal prompts for overwhelm to help guide you through these tough times and find inner calm.

In this blog post, I’ve put together a wonderful list of journaling prompts. These prompts are your allies as you navigate through feelings of overwhelm.

They empower you to delve into your thoughts and emotions, pinpoint triggers, and develop effective coping strategies to regain control and peace amidst the chaos.

So, let’s dive into these prompts and start reclaiming your sense of calm and balance. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. With the power of journaling, you have everything you need to weather the storm and emerge stronger than before.

Are you ready to take the first step towards finding inner peace? Let’s conquer overwhelm together!

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45 calming journal prompts for feeling overwhelmed

  1. What things are making you feel overwhelmed right now? How can you deal with them?
  2. Think about a recent time when you felt overwhelmed. What caused it, and how did you handle it?
  3. List three activities or hobbies that make you happy and help you relax. How can you do more of them every day?
  4. Write a letter to yourself, giving words of comfort and support when you’re overwhelmed.
  5. Imagine a perfect place for relaxation. Close your eyes and describe it in detail.
  6. What are three small tasks you can do today to feel less overwhelmed?
  7. Think about a time when you faced a difficult situation and succeeded. What did you do to overcome it, and how can you use those strategies now?
  8. Write down five things you’re grateful for right now. How do they make you feel better?
  9. When you’re overwhelmed, what self-care activities can you do to feel calm and refreshed?
  10. What boundaries do you need to set to protect your well-being and prevent overwhelm?
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a woman journaling
  1. Make a map of all the things you have to do and the commitments you have. How can you ask for help or remove some tasks that make you overwhelmed?  
  2. Write a list of positive statements that feel good to you. Say them every day to have a positive mindset.
  3. How can you find moments of calm and mindfulness every day to balance out overwhelm?
  4. Describe a peaceful place in nature. How can you spend more time there?
  5. List the people you can go to when you feel overwhelmed. Talk to one of them for support or just to talk.
  6. Think about times in the past when overwhelm didn’t last long or wasn’t as bad as it seemed. What can you learn from those experiences?
  7. Create a board that shows a life without overwhelm. Use pictures, quotes, and symbols that inspire peace.
  8. Write a thank-you letter to someone who supported you during tough times. Tell them how much you appreciate them.
  9. How can simplifying your surroundings, like cleaning up or organizing, help reduce overwhelm?
  10. Remember a time when you felt in control and calm. What habits or routines from that time can you use now to manage overwhelm?
30-day guided journals
  1. Write down three positive messages that can help you when you feel overwhelmed. Say them when you start to feel stressed.
  2. Explain a self-care routine that helps you relax and find peace. Promise yourself to do it regularly.
  3. Make a list of activities that make you happy and proud. How can you make time for them even when you have a lot to do?
  4. Write a letter to your future self with advice on dealing with overwhelming moments and reassurance that you can handle them.
  5. Think about the importance of saying “no.” Find areas where you can set boundaries and take care of yourself.
  6. List five things that bring you comfort when you feel overwhelmed. How can you include them in your daily life?
  7. Write a letter forgiving yourself for times when overwhelm stopped you from meeting certain expectations.
  8. Create a self-care menu with ideas for taking care of your body, emotions, and mind. Use it when you feel overwhelmed.
  9. Think about your values and what matters most to you. Are you spending your time and energy on those things?
  10. Write a poem or a story about finding peace and calmness when everything feels chaotic and overwhelming.
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a journaling setup
  1. Think about a special memory from your childhood that makes you feel peaceful. How can you bring back parts of that memory as an adult?
  2. Write down three healthy ways to deal with overwhelm. Practice using them regularly.
  3. Learn and write about different ways to breathe, like taking deep breaths or using a box breathing technique, to calm your mind when you feel overwhelmed.
  4. Make a list of things that make you feel tired and overwhelmed. Think of ways to reduce or get rid of them.
  5. Write a list of things you’re grateful for, especially the small things you might not think about often.
  6. Imagine your perfect day of self-care, from morning to evening. How can you include parts of it in your week?
  7. Think about the people, places, or activities that make you feel drained and overwhelmed. How can you set boundaries to protect yourself?
  8. Write a letter to someone who inspires you, thanking them for their positive impact on your life.
  9. Remember a time when you found peace in the midst of chaos. What can you learn from that experience?
  10. Create a playlist of calming music to listen to when you feel overwhelmed. Write about how each song makes you feel.
  11. Write three positive statements to counter overwhelm. Repeat them daily to remind yourself of your strength.
  12. Picture a peaceful image in your mind. Describe it using details like what you see, hear, and feel.
  13. Think about what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. How can you make time for those things even when overwhelmed?
  14. Make a list of self-care activities that don’t require much time or money. Use it when you need quick self-nurturing.
  15. Describe a phrase or mantra that instantly calms your mind and brings you peace. Write it down and carry it with you as a reminder.
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FAQ: Why do we feel overwhelmed?

Let’s talk about why everything is so overwhelming every now and then.

Sometimes life gets really busy, and it feels like there’s so much to do and handle. This can make us feel overwhelmed and stretched too thin. Let’s explore some common reasons why this happens.

Busy schedules

Our fast-paced modern lives can leave us with jam-packed calendars and never-ending to-do lists. Balancing work, personal commitments, relationships, and self-care can be quite a juggling act.

High expectations

Society, social media, and even our own inner perfectionists can set unrealistic standards for us to meet. The constant pressure to excel in every area of life can leave us feeling like we’re falling short.

Information overload

In this digital age, we’re bombarded with a constant stream of information from various sources.

Endless notifications, news updates, and social media feeds can make it challenging to filter and process everything, leading to overwhelm.

Lack of boundaries

When we struggle to set boundaries and say no, we may find ourselves taking on more than we can handle.

Trying to please everyone and be everything to everyone can quickly drain our energy and leave us feeling overwhelmed.

Unexpected life events

Sometimes life throws us curveballs in the form of unexpected challenges, such as mental health issues, financial setbacks, or relationship difficulties.

Dealing with these unexpected events can create a sense of overwhelm as we navigate uncharted territory.

Understanding these underlying reasons for overwhelm can help us gain clarity and take steps toward managing it effectively.

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a woman journaling

FAQ: How does journaling help me stop feeling overwhelmed all the time?

Ah, the power of incorporating journaling practice into your daily routine! Let me tell you, journaling is like a soothing balm for the overwhelmed soul.

It provides us with a safe and private space to express our thoughts, emotions, and worries.

Now, you might be wondering, how does scribbling away in a journal help us stop feeling overwhelmed all the time? Well, let me share some incredible benefits of journaling.

Clarity and self-reflection

Writing down our thoughts and feelings allows us to gain clarity and better understand the root causes of our overwhelm.

It’s like having a heartfelt conversation with ourselves where we can uncover patterns, identify triggers, and explore possible solutions.

Emotional release

Often, overwhelm is accompanied by a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside us. Journaling provides an outlet for releasing those pent-up emotions.

Pouring our feelings onto the pages of our journal can bring a sense of relief, releasing the emotional weight we’ve been carrying.

Problem-solving and brainstorming

Through journaling, we can brainstorm solutions, jot down ideas, and explore different perspectives.

Writing freely without judgment allows our minds to wander and stumble upon innovative ways to tackle our overwhelming challenges.

Prioritization and organization

Writing down our tasks, responsibilities, and goals helps us declutter our minds and prioritize what truly matters.

By creating lists, timelines, and action plans in our journal, we can break overwhelming tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Gratitude and positivity

Amidst the chaos of overwhelm, it’s crucial to cultivate a positive mindset. Journaling offers an opportunity to focus on gratitude and the silver linings in our lives.

By recording moments of joy, accomplishments, and blessings, we can shift our perspective and invite more positivity into our days.

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Do you use journal prompts for overwhelm?

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